For over three decades, I have provided solutions (getting to “yes”) to individuals and small and large organizations in over 30 countries. As an example of this kind of service, I advised a nascent South Africa non-profit entity implementing its financial, compliance and project operations. I also led the transition of a $400 million global health institution PC-based accounting system to one that was cloud-based in over 30 countries. Clients and employers have included multi-million dollar international not-for-profits, local not for-profits, and small businesses.
Utilizing a client centered approach, I begin project planning by asking the following questions:
Why is this action necessary?
Who is accountable? Who will benefit? Who will manage?
What are the deliverables? What is the workplan/timeline? What will change?
You need help managing your organization’s first federal grant, or
Your account system is not providing you with actionable and current information, or
You are finding compliance and internal controls for federal and state awards to be a logistical nightmare....
.....A reasonable cost solution may be closer than you think.
With more than 35 years of professional consulting, accounting, and tax services to a range of clients, my mission is to provide solutions to make your financial systems efficient and compliant with industry requirements.